Earth-Conscious and Budget-Friendly Art Teaching Stuff


In Honor Of Earth Day…

As we celebrate our planet and reflect on our impact, it’s a good time to consider some environmentally- sustainable practices for our art classrooms.

I “braindumped” so many ideas for eco-friendly art supplies and materials that the post had to be split into an entire three-part series!

In the posts below, explore a variety of Earth-friendly ideas for the art room- from material repurposing to how to find freely available supplies. Read to discover some fresh ways to reduce waste in our classrooms, inspiring a sense of environmental awareness in our young artists.

It’s actually super easy to make our art classrooms a greener, more sustainable space for creativity to flourish. Besides, it’s also a great way to be budget-conscious!

Follow along using the links below…

Part I: Art Project Supplies To Request from Home (or Homeroom Teachers)

Earth-Friendly, free and/or WIDELY available Art Classroom Materials / Supplies, along with features and ideas for their uses.

Part II: Equipment To Repurpose (or Find for Cheap) for the Art Room

Recommendations for eco-conscious, low-cost and/or free Reusable Art Classroom Materials & Equipment Ideas… and how they can be used.

Part III: Free (or Freely Available) Art Room Materials

Art Room Materials from free, or freely available things easily found around school sites and households.

… Enjoy!